======================================== Release Notes for Kvaser Memorator Tools ======================================== This tool supports the following devices o Kvaser Memorator o Kvaser Memorator Professional o Kvaser Memorator Light o Kvaser Memorator R SemiPro We recommend that you use the latest version of driver (CANLIB) and firmware (downloads are available from www.kvaser.com). A complete list of required firmware can be found in the Release Notes for CANLIB. List of known restrictions in this release of Kvaser Memorator Tools ============================================================================= * Kvaser Eagle is no longer supported, please use Kvaser Memorator Configuration tool instead, which can be downloaded from www.kvaser.com * (Memorator Professional) You need to reinitialize the SD cards if you upgrade from a firmware older than 1.6. * The OLE automation interface does not yet work in Windows Vista. * The temperature measurement doesn't work with Kvaser Memorator R SemiPro. New Features and Fixed Problems in V4.31.630 (18-FEB-2024) =========================================================================== * Minor changes. New Features and Fixed Problems in V4.30.472 (13-SEP-2023) =========================================================================== * Minor changes. New Features and Fixed Problems in V4.29.341 (05-MAY-2023) =========================================================================== * Minor changes. New Features and Fixed Problems in V4.28.102 (09-SEP-2022) =========================================================================== * Minor changes. New Features and Fixed Problems in V4.27.944 (30-MAY-2022) =========================================================================== * Minor changes. New Features and Fixed Problems in V4.26.841 (16-FEB-2022) =========================================================================== * Minor changes. New Features and Fixed Problems in V4.25.686 (14-SEP-2021) =========================================================================== * Minor changes. New Features and Fixed Problems in V4.24.575 (26-MAY-2021) =========================================================================== * Minor changes. New Features and Fixed Problems in V4.23.477 (17-FEB-2021) =========================================================================== * The stand-alone Kvaser CAN-Logfile Converter now writes creation time and start time for Stiegele MDF. * Minor changes. New Features and Fixed Problems in V4.22.317 (09-SEP-2020) =========================================================================== * Minor changes. New Features and Fixed Problems in V4.21.212 (27-MAY-2020) =========================================================================== * Minor changes. New Features and Fixed Problems in V4.20.157 (03-APR-2020) =========================================================================== * Minor changes. New Features and Fixed Problems in V4.19.119 (25-FEB-2020) =========================================================================== * Minor changes. New Features and Fixed Problems in V4.18.996 (08-OCT-2019) =========================================================================== * Code is now signed with updated sha-2 and sha-1 certificates. New Features and Fixed Problems in V4.17.971 (Internal release) =========================================================================== * Code is now signed with an updated sha-2 certificate. (The older sha-1 certificate has been dropped.) New Features and Fixed Problems in V4.16.847 (12-MAY-2019) =========================================================================== * Extraction wizard Browse button could cause an Access Violation New Features and Fixed Problems in V4.15.777 (03-MAR-2019) =========================================================================== * Minor changes. New Features and Fixed Problems in V4.14.680 (26-NOV-2018) =========================================================================== * Added an option to use fully qualified signal names when converting log files to "selected signals in CSV" format. New Features and Fixed Problems in V4.13.609 (16-SEP-2018) =========================================================================== * Minor changes. * Fixed a bug where a logfile was extracted correctly, but the Extraction Wizard reported: 'Failed reading event from the connected device (code=-23).' New Features and Fixed Problems in V4.12.483 (13-MAY-2018) =========================================================================== * Fixed a bug introduced V4.10.241 where message identifiers for filters stopped working. New Features and Fixed Problems in V4.11.393 (12-FEB-2018) =========================================================================== * Minor changes. New Features and Fixed Problems in V4.10.241 (13-SEP-2017) =========================================================================== * Removed "Database has legacy PGN format" checkbox as GUI now detects it automatically. * Added option of choosing 32-bit timestamps for MDF format to extract/convert files wizard. New Features and Fixed Problems in V4.9.164 (28-JUN-2017) =========================================================================== * Added column 'Track' when listing log files with Kvaser Memorator Light. New Features and Fixed Problems in V4.8.923 (05-MAY-2017) =========================================================================== * Minor changes. New Features and Fixed Problems in V4.7.844 (15-FEB-2017) =========================================================================== * Added support for the expanded J1939 database format. Introduced by Vector in CANdb++ 2.7 SP8. Note that to continue using J1939 databases with only PGN specified as id one must check the "Database has legacy PGN format" check box when configuring J1939 options. New Features and Fixed Problems in V4.6.691 (15-SEP-2016) =========================================================================== * Extraction to KME formats may now be filtered on channel number. * Trigger on NERR signal (only supported on the LS channel by Kvaser Memorator Professional HS/LS) may now be selected for Kvaser Memorator Professional devices. New Features and Fixed Problems in V4.5.575 (22-MAY-2016) =========================================================================== * List of logfiles on device now shows serial number for logs where applicable. * Fixed bug in converter 'Vector BLF' where CAN frames with extended id did not get the correct extended id flag. New Features and Fixed Problems in V4.4.499 (07-MAR-2016) =========================================================================== * Code is now signed with sha-2 certificates, as well as sha-1 certificates to maintain compatibility. New Features and Fixed Problems in V4.3.493 (01-MAR-2016) =========================================================================== * The converters 'Vector ASCII' and 'CAN frames in plain text' use start time for logs as date now. New Features and Fixed Problems in V4.2.416 (15-DEC-2015) =========================================================================== * Dropped support for Kvaser Eagle, use Kvaser Memorator Configuration tool instead. * List of logfiles on device now shows start and end time for logs where applicable. New Features and Fixed Problems in V4.1.331 (21-SEP-2015) =========================================================================== * File conversion: Added option to use use base file names from loaded files when performing file conversion. * Fixed issue with triggers and database names containing multiple periods (dots). * Added support for more than two channels in J1587 and in the converters for MDF, KME2.4 and KME2.5. New Features and Fixed Problems in V4.0.208 (22-MAY-2015) =========================================================================== * Updated error message when exporting to non-existing folder. * Fixed deletion of temporary files during extraction. New Features and Fixed Problems in V3.9.856 (03-FEB-2015) =========================================================================== * Added kvaMemolibXML.dll and dump50.exe for MHYDRA. * Support for more channels in mhydra memolib's (0600 and memolibxml), configur.exe and KvLogCnv.dll * Fixed a bug where conversion process would unexpectedly halt for some combination of signals due to miscommunication between converter library and GUI. * Fixed a bug in memoReadKmeFileEvent. New Features and Fixed Problems in V3.8.555 (08-APR-2014) =========================================================================== * No changes. New Features and Fixed Problems in V3.7.537 (21-MAR-2014) =========================================================================== * Added support for multiplexed signals in MDF signal based files. * Kvaser Dispatcher Package is now deprecated. * Updated help about initializing SD-card in Memorator Tools. * Fixed bug introduced in v 3.4.260 where trim pretrigger option would trim incorrectly. * Workaround for a problem where extracting could fail with a large number of signals (1100 signals). New Features and Fixed Problems in V3.6.364 (24-SEP-2013) =========================================================================== * Added count filter values in filter list. * Updated conversion to Vector ASC and BLF file format. * Updated the digital signature. New features and fixed problems in version 3.5.280 (Released 27-MAY-2013) ============================================================================== * Added support for converting to Vector BLF format. * Configurations loaded from file that contains scripts but no defined triggers can now be downloaded to Eagle. New features and fixed problems in version 3.4.260 (Released 03-MAR-2013) ============================================================================== * Added .NET CLS wrapper for memolib kvmlib * Eagle: * Added support for float and double signal triggers. * Added support for range conditions in triggers. * Now support SD-cards larger than 100 GByte (requires firmware 1.6). SD-card formated with new filenames are not backwards compatible with older firmware and Kvaser Memorator tools for Eagle. * Fixed formatting of SD card in external card reader. * Fixed downloading of configuration to SD card in external card reader. * Removed setable raw values in trigger conditions. Clarified help text. * Documentation for Kvaser Memolib is now included in SDK/doc/ * Fixed malformed time representation in .asc files. New features and fixed problems in version 3.3.220 (Released 11-SEP-2012) ============================================================================== * Fixed setting of repeating timers for Eagle when using basic/advanced triggers. * Only supported devices (via ean) show up in Kvaser Eagle. * Corrected bug where we couldn't modify the action in an expression. New features and fixed problems in version 3.2.186 (Released 28-MAY-2012) ============================================================================== * Fixed setting of repeating timers for Eagle. * Fixed a problem with signal offsets in the database editor. * Fixed bug that made it impossible to modify expression actions. New features and fixed problems in version 3.1.110 (Released 20-OCT-2011) ============================================================================== * Updated kvaDlLib.dll in installer package. This fixes a problem where all extended identifiers in candb files were unusable. New features and fixed problems in version 3.1.105 (Released 21-SEP-2011) ============================================================================== * Support for Kvaser Eagle. * Matlab file writer now honours the database's channel assignment. * Fixed so that SendRTC (transmit-lists memopro) is saved in the config. New features and fixed problems in version 3.0.101 (Released 20-SEP-2011) ============================================================================== * Internal release only. New features and fixed problems in version 2.9.850 (Released 03-MAY-2011) ============================================================================== * Support in the stand-alone file converter program for KME40. * Corrected motorola signal interpretation in the .mdf format during extraction. * Corrected timestamps in in the .mdf format during extraction. * Included split25.exe and split40.exe in memo2 utilities to split one large KME file into smaller files. New features and fixed problems in version 2.8.800 (Released 25-JAN-2011) ============================================================================== * An SDK for writing XML configurations for Kvaser Memorator Professional is included in the SDK directory. See the sample programs. * The "time to live" after external power is lost, is now by default set to 0 seconds in Memorator Tools. * Removed '-' from the lists of valid characters in signal names and message names. * Included User Guides for Kvaser Memorator et al. * Support for database names with multiple dots. * Improved error handling when disconnected. * Blocked j1939 option for vector ascii conversion. * Added a j1939/std extraction mismatch warning. * Check boxes for channel in extraction settings use default value when grayed out. * Fixed bug with csv-signals when multiple databases used the same message id. * Added buffer size to kvmGetDbaseFile() in Kvaser Memorator API. New features and fixed problems in version 2.7.720 (Released 25-NOV-2010) ============================================================================== * IMPORTANT for Kvaser Memorator Professional: In this release the "time to live" after external power is lost is set to 0 seconds. The old setting was fixed to 20 seconds, but the new setting can be changed in Memorator Tools. * An SDK for writing programs that talk to a Kvaser Memorator is included in the SDK directory. See the sample programs. * Implemented "On data change" trigger. * Support for Kvaser Memorator R SemiPro (00490-0) * Solved case 4974 where the pretrigger block wasn't saved in advanced trigger mode. * Several error messages are improved. * Bugfix: you can now browse for i.e. c:\dev\ (trailing backslash) when extracting files. * Fixed bit timing suggestion code. The old code could suggest invalid settings. * Firmware download now works again after the web site was restructured. * FAT16 format on 2GB disks is now allowed. * Fixed strange GUI behaviour on the trigger page when the window was resized. * A transmit list can now contain (calendar) time stamps. * Fixed bug where a configuration could not be written via a disk reader in certain cases - "file error" (-23) was reported. (4677) * Fixed a problem in Kvaser Memorator where a log file without trigger information, which can be created in rare circumstances, fails extraction. (3314) * Fixed case 3359 and 3697 where a signal value could not be edited in transmit lists after opening a configuration file. * Fixed installation problem in Windows 7 where a message appeared after installation stating that Memorator Tools "might not have installed correctly" (case 3455) * An error frame can now work as a stoptrigger with advanced triggers (case 4662) New features and fixed problems in version 2.6.600 (Released 15-OCT-2009) ============================================================================== * Reworked the pretrigger setting. The pretrigger time is now measured in milliseconds. In earlier releases the size of the pretrigger was given in disk sectors. If you have saved configurations with a pretrigger time, you need to update the pretrigger value accordingly. * Trigger names are now case insensitive. * The extraction phase now has an option to crop the pretrigger buffer. This is enabled by default. The amount of pretrigger data saved on the disk is guaranteed to be at least the size of the pretrigger buffer as defined in the tool, but can often be much larger than that. By using the new crop option, the tool will trim away undesired pretrigger data when extracting the data. * The Kvaser Memorator Setup Tools are now known as "Kvaser Memorator Tools" and the documentation has been updated to reflect this. * Fixed bug in the stand-alone file converter program where local settings with periods (.) in the date strings would cause problems when creating file names containing dates. * File extraction can now handle large files (larger than 2GB)